Board of Trustees


Front Row: Sandy Gilmete (Presiding Member), Tony Miles (Board of Proprietors Representative) Kate Brady, Mark Billcliff, Nathan Hughes (Principal)

Back Row: Anna Reilly, Nic Roberts (Board Secretary), Sarah Jagoutz (Staff Representative)


Parents' Association

The Parents’ Association organises school activities and is another link between the parents and the school.  Meetings are advertised in the newsletter.  They meet at 7pm on the second Tuesday of each term except term one when they meet in week 4. New members are welcome.

The chairperson is Mrs Shae Risk.


Care Network

The purpose of the Care Network is to coordinate and support St John’s Girls’ School families and staff in times of genuine need.  This builds on the values of the school.  The aim is to build on the positive relationships, work together and help each other whilst respecting confidentiality, to help people with the little things, as well as the big.

The SJGS Care Network is a sub group of the SJGS Parents’ Association.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Pat O'Sullivan Plumbing & Drainlaying Paula Laughton - Country & Co City Chiropractic Invercargill C. Brown Builders SES Direct Ltd Embrace Orthodontics Thompsons Furniture Number Works 'n Words - Invercargill Richard Affleck Building Ltd Ryder Roofing Janice Hughes Bookkeeping & Business Support
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